Scarsdale Forum Downtown Revitalization Committee Survey Yields Over 1,200 Responses

SCARSDALE, NY (6/1/18) -- The Scarsdale Forum Downtown Revitalization Committee has released a report summarizing its recent consumer survey on Scarsdale's village center, which also includes the committee's recommendations based on the survey results.
The 1,257 respondents were, overwhelmingly, positive about the attractiveness and cleanliness of downtown Scarsdale's stores and restaurants, and the quality of customer service delivered by those establishments. However, survey participants expressed the most negative responses when asked about the parking experience and availability of restaurants, entertainment options and retail diversity in downtown Scarsdale.
The survey results yielded a number of key factors that would increase visits to the village center: adding more casual dining options, and a brew pub or wine bar, as well as an entertainment venue, such as a movie theater. Consumers also requested increasing the availability and ease of parking, and reducing the negative aspects of the parking experience, such as aggressive enforcement and antiquated meters.
The survey is an important tool for the Downtown Revitalization Committee as it works to define the combination of uses that best reflect the community's preferences, capture market opportunities, build on local assets and strengthen the community's identity. It has made the following market based, strategic recommendations based on the survey results:
Expand the availability and diversity of grocery and beverage options, such as speciality stores and the farmer's market, as well as upgrade existing facilities;
Expand restaurant and other dining options, including family dining;
Improve retail diversity and services to balance the current concentration of a limited type of providers;
Provide space for entertainment and cultural event programming;
Implement practical solutions to parking availability, and address aggressive parking enforcement issues;
Improve parks and other green spaces in the village center to create more welcoming, usable community spaces; and
Establish a coordinating body to study similar regional municipalities and the implementation of best practices to ensure a thriving downtown environment.
In commenting on the survey and report, Downtown Revitalization Committee Chair Susan Douglass said, "The consumer survey yielded a number of key insights that require action. Our recommendations should be considered by the stakeholders who can act upon them, in particular, village officials, landlords, merchants, village boards and councils, and independent agencies." She continued, "The committee intends to work with these stakeholders and other interested parties to further study the issues and implement our recommendations. We also expect to make additional suggestions based on the results of our survey of Scarsdale Village merchants, which we currently are analyzing."
A copy of the full consumer survey report is available here.
Scarsdale Forum
The Scarsdale Forum is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to community education through discussion and analysis of issues relevant to Scarsdale residents. Since 1904, it has contributed meaningfully to Scarsdale Village affairs through its written reports, public speaker events, and committee discussions. Membership is available to all Scarsdale and Mamaroneck Strip residents, regardless of citizenship status.
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